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- L O A D S T A R 1 2 8 Q U A R T E R L Y
- Issue #17
- Table of Contents
- L O A D S T A R F I L E S
- DISKOVERY...........................................................Side 1
- Your editor praises an important company, Creative Micro Designs, Inc.
- LOADSTAR FORUM..................................................... Side 1
- A place where your letters are published -- and sometimes answered.
- LOADSTAR 128 BRIEFS.................................................Side 1
- by Barbara Schulak, Paul McAleer and Fender Tucker
- This utility program allows you to print out subscription, back issue,
- and submission forms.
- ZERO PAGE: CATMEISTER 128...........................................Side 1
- by Fender Tucker
- Add a file requestor to your BASIC programs for that 90's look and feel.
- CREDITS.............................................................Side 1
- A list of the administrators, editors, programmers and authors who
- brought you this disk.
- F U N W A R E
- WHEELS AND BONES.....................................................Side 1
- by Rick Ferreira
- Two of our cave-dwelling ancestors, Og and Ug, discover Tic-Tac-Toe and
- an intriguing variation. Two people can play, or one can play against the
- computer.
- B R A I N W A R E
- FOREIGN PASSPORT.....................................................Side 1
- by Paul McAleer
- Are you ready for a trip to Europe? This quiz program will test your
- knowledge of tourist-oriented French, Spanish and German sentences.
- H E L P W A R E
- MASTER BASE..........................................................Side 2
- by Dick Heckert
- This superfast database program consists of two modules -- SEARCH MASTER
- and RBASE. It can be used by beginners and power users alike to maintain
- huge address books. Highly recommended for hard drive, RAMLink/RAMDrive
- or 1581 users.
- INDEXWRITER..........................................................Side 2
- by Barbara Schulak
- Use this friendly program to create, save and print recipes and other
- things that will fit on a 3x5 index card or postcard.
- LOTTO CASH...........................................................Side 2
- by Robert B. Cook
- Now that Lotto games have swept across the USA it's time to start
- tracking the winning numbers to get an edge in future lottos.
- HOME REFINANCER.......................................................Side 2
- by Fender Tucker
- Is it time to refinance your home? Current interest rates say it is, and
- this program will let you play "what if" with the numbers. This program
- may show you how to save THOUSANDS of dollars!
- **** RETURN - Menu ****